***Important Note****

During the majority of 2023, the park has not charged owners a $25.00 late fee when maintenance fees arrive later than the 5th of the month. Getting QuickBooks up and running took priority.  Effective January 2024 late fees will once again be incurred if payments are not received by the 5th of the month.

Scan the QR code above if you wish to make payments using your cell phone

Online Payments

Maintenance Fee Payments

Intellipay portal for online payments of Beachway Maintenance Fees.

Click on the secure payment link "Pay Now" to submit an online payment directly to Beachway Park Inc.

  • To assist those who may require additional help or guidance for first-time use, a secure computer terminal is now located in the Beachway office.

  • Beachway Park volunteers are available to assist those who may require help using the Intellipay site.

  • Note - to simplify integrating office accounting software with the online portal, please use your Beachway lot number for “Customer ID

(To look up your lot number, click here for the Lot-Address document

Note - Residents can pay maintenance fees for either a single month or, multiple months. Automated payments from a checking account will be available in Fall 2023.