Resident Information & Services
BEACHWAY Resident POLICIES & Information
Beachway Park Inc. is required by law to establish a range of policies and regulations to align with various legislated housing standards. Outside of these, the community participates through committees and workshops to periodically review our policies, procedures, and regulations. The purpose of these documents is to guide the community in promoting an enjoyable lifestyle for all its residents.
Three essential documents that govern the Park's operation are the Master Occupancy Agreement, Beachway Park Rules & Regulations (Revised March 2024), and Bylaws. The Master Occupancy Agreement is the equivalent of the Home Owner Association (HOA) leasing agreement. Bylaws regulate the operation of the Association’s Executive Board, and Rules and Regulations are the community rules drafted by the Executive Board in collaboration with residents.
Master Occupancy Agreement
Original Certificate of Incorporation
The 2024-2025 version of Beachway Park Rules and Regulations (Revised March 2024) reflects our community values and includes applications of legal mandates to protect the health, safety, welfare, property, and privacy of our residents.
Beachway Park Inc Rules & Regulations (Revised March 2024)
The Amended Bylaws Document linked below expands on and provides operational details for the operation of the Beachway Park Inc. executive board. (Note - These Bylaws are currently under review and expected to be revised in January 2025)
2025 Amended and Restated By-Laws for Beachway Park Inc. (pdf)
Meeting Minutes - Regular and Special Board Minutes
Meeting minutes from regular and special board meetings
Regular Board Meeting Minutes 2.22.2024
Regular Board Meeting Minutes 3.28.2024
Regular Board Meeting Minutes 11.21.2024
Regular Board Meeting Minutes 12.26.2025
Special Board Meeting with Ann Hathorn 1.15.2025
Annual Membership Meeting 1.26.2025
Regular Board Meeting 2.27.2025 (Pending)